But besides that it was kind of an off week for us. We didn't teach as much as usual which could really hurt us in our case to split the area. It just seemed that people couldn't meet up last week. And also a dilemna I've been worried about is beginning to unfold. I have been worried that as we keep baptizing and baptizing that we won't find fast enough to keep having people to teach. I think my fear is beginning to come true as it seems our pool of investigators is slowly dwindling. I hope that we can change that and that we can keep it moving forward instead of just one huge jump in baptisms and then nothing. So we'll be working our guts out. We have a goal of 140 street contacts this week. We're finally consistently hitting over 100 so I think we can get it.
Saturday we had the baptism for Dave Finck. I gotta say I love him and his family they are the best. I'm going to visit them a lot when I'm done with my mission. It was one of the best services I've been to on my mission. The speakers were incredible, the prayers were incredible, it even seemed that the intermission was incredible. It was crazy awesome. They help us out so much. Its been such a priveledge to teach him and to see how the spirit has changed them. I hope to be able to come back in a year and see them get married in the temple. That would probably be one of the sweetest moments in my life. To see that family become one and thrive off one another really goes with the scripture "Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord". As Elder Holland said its not just good socialogy but it is theology, its an eternal concept and I've seen the gospel bless families and this just one of the examples.
Yesterday we had zone conference up in Holbrook where we saw the official changes to the mission. The Farmington mission will take the top of our mission and any of the 8 missionaries who are left there on July 1st will but put into that mission. So baically anyone who gets transferred up to the res between now and July will be in that mission. The Mesa mission is still subject to change as President Bassett will finish his term in June. Our new President is President Ellsworth and he is from Carry, Idaho. He will take over on July 1st as well I believe. President asked us to begin praying for him and his family. The rest of the conference was on using the Book of Mormon in teaching. We talked a lot about it. How to introduce it and how to get people excited about reading it. Then President Bassett shared his testimony of his spiritual witness of it's truthfulness. He then took it a step further. He prooved the physical existence of it. Of how it came about. He talked about the education level of Joseph Smith and how he translated the Book in just a few months. He was not well educated as President Bassett prooved with quotes from both friends of Joseph and Joseph's own wife. He talked about the magificent literary elements of the book and had come to the conclusion that Joseph Smith wasn't some clever genius he was a hard working farm boy who was called as a prophet. Theres no other way it could happen. It was cool.
This week we also got to meet with Cody Core. He is saying now he wants to go on a mission. One concern a lot of people have though is that he is way way way in love with his girlfriend who introduced him to the church. I really think he'll be a great missionary and that everything will work out. It can be a hard to leave someone for 2 years knowing she'll get together with someoneelse most likely. But if you lose yourself in the work of the Lord there is no need to worry. You know that you are doing the better thing. I know it'll work out for Cody.
Well theres no baptisms this weekend but a couple are coming up in the up coming weekends so I'll keep you posted. Peace out.
Love, Elder Caywood
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