I learned how to say hello in Navajo but I'm not quite sure how to put it into words(its especially hard since they don't have a written language). This week as I have said has been incredibly good for us. We have seen so many miracles, though sometimes they seem to come out of no where I don't really care it has been so amazing to watch this happen and I am grateful to be a part of it.
So let me elaborate a little. This week we've been able to do missionary work very effectively. We set two more baptism dates for next month bringing our total to 5. We are hoping to set 3 more this week. Its really been amazing it seems like we are being blessed cause I'm serious these people are popping up out of no where. One's name is Dave he is getting baptized on the 27th. He's so cool!!! When I come back and visit I'm staying at their house. He's made so many changes and has been so strong its incredible. Another one is Fabiola she is 14 and has been waiting for her mom to come back from Mexico which is happening this month. She is also set for the 27th. Cody is another one being baptized a week from Saturday. He's 17 and his parents aren't members of the church. He had gotten a hold of a Book of Mormon prayed about it and found out it was true. He wanted to more and prayed that someone would tell him more, he said within an hour a friend had invited him to meet the missionaries. Another on is Brett he's 9. His family has been less active since the death of a family member a few years ago. His mom a month ago said we need to go to church and do what God wants us to do. They are now back on track and he's being baptized on the 20th. The one we set last night is for a girl named Lacie who took the lessons for a year. Her parents she was ith in foster care didn't care for the church and wouldn't let her be baptized. She fell of the map for about 6 months and popped up again having been adopted by a family who also didn't care much for the church but are ok with her being a part of it seeing as its nothing bad. She said she would cry at night because she couldn't be baptized, that one is set for the 20th as well. Once again being part of this for just over 2 years now has really helped with a lot of these people being able to relate to me. They think its kind of cool that I know what they are going through. Its a blessing and privilege for me really.
My goal at the moment is to ask better questions. I think good questions make people think about things. I have a goal to ask at least 2 good questions every time i meet somebody. We had a good one the other day. Someone was working in the street. We drove up to them and told them a little bit about what we do and the Book of Mormon. He said was a member of a different faith and had missionaries at his house before. I asked him if he had a Book of Mormon. He said yes so I asked if he had read and prayed about it. He said no he didn't need to its not true. We then asked the question "Where's the faith in that?" Dumbfounded he stood speechless for like 30 seconds and then asked us to have a nice day. I wish people would just open their heart up just a sliver. The Grinch did and he saved Christmas!!! Maybe that's a bad example. Oh well.
Elder Robertson and i are teaching a lot. In fact a lot a lot. We're 2nd most out of the 9 companionships in the zone. We contribute to a 4th of the lessons taught in the zone up here. And the best part is... Its increasing! President Bassett did our interviews on Thursday and I talked to him about there being so much work that we need to split the area. He said that if we can get 30 lessons a week regularly then he'll do it and then he said it should be my personal goal. He said before I leave Snowflake I need to split the area. We will I know it. The Lord is putting too many people our path for it not to. Its what He wants.
I know we can accomplish anything as we become a little humbler and let God do what He does. Its not easy but sometimes the hardest things and the right things are the same. How is Elder Bearnson doing? I was thinking about him last week. Well laterz and as always peace out.
Love, Elder K-Wood(A.k.a. Elder Hollywood some dang little kids started calling me that again, I thought I escaped that in my first area)
Sounds like you've got your hands full, and that the Lord is blessing your efforts, I think that Snowflake must be blessed, I had the same success when I was there over 20 years ago... It was my favorite area of my mission.