On that note last week blew. I imagine you probably don't know what I'm talking about let me explain. Wednesday I got uber sick. In fact it knocked me out really goood. I couldn't keep anything down. I was really feelng sooooo bad. Wednesday night rolled around and I was companions with Elder Stewart since the Elders in the district had to scramble around to teach since I couldn't go out. Elder Stewart finally said "I want to help you, I feel like I'm not doing anything what can I do to help you?" I told him either kill me or take me to the doctor because I think I'm dying. We rushed off to Urgent Care I was now throwing up every 20 minutes. I filled out way too much paper work. Then went to the back. The tested me and I waited in agony wishing it would end. The doctor came in and he told me three things. First he said I think you have swine flu. Second he said my lungs were pretty messed up and handed me a new inhaler and an Advair disc which he said to take twice a day, I said for how long he said probably for the rest of your life(oh joy). Then he said I was in the advanced stages of dehydration. He said there was still a window where they could rehydrate me by mouth instead of an IV. He pumped full of a fluid which hurt really bad(anti nausea fluid). He said in about 15 minutes I would get tired and a little delrious. He said every 10 minutes take a small sip of Gatorade. He said I woldn't remember this probably and went to go tell my companions what to do in the lobby. He said if I got even a little worse I was on my way to the ER in Show Low. I remember the next 20 minutes or so but after that it was really fuzzy and apparently I was quite delirious. I was on quarantine for most of the week but am lucky I made it to Urgent Care and didn't wait til morning.
The reason my email is titled Koli Poki is because that is my new nickname here in Snowflake. Among the Elders at least. In tongan koli poki means white boy with weak stomach. Wooooo....
The rest of my time since last week I've been pretty drugged up. Let me tell you being on quarantine as a missionary is the worse feeling in the world. No Tv, no musice, no internet. NOTHING. For 24 hours. Friday I slept 16 hours. In the process of boredom. I read every letter I've ever gotten on my mission. Got to say that Sister Van Wagenen and SIster Henrie take first place because they've written me(far more) than anyone else. Mad props to them. Right now I'm feeling a lot better I think this is clearing up.
Monday we had a bit of a miracle. We had been teaching this girl for a long time. We talked to her foster mom on Sunday and said that this girl had expressed interest in being baptized. We went to teach the lesson and within 5 minutes she had borne her testimony of the church and showed her desire to baptized and understood why it was important. She had been taught for over a year and never seemed to care about what we said. Now she said in last week it just makes sense, she is being baptized on the 26th. We were so shocked. I swear Elder Moa just laughed for like 30 minutes straight. It was hilarious. We didn't know what to say.
Yesterday was interviews with President. I gave a steller talk on how to have a change of heart. It was so awesome. My interview went well. He let me know a lot of things. I got to the point in my interview where I said you know in my last area I felt like I had super member trust with the people there. He said well of course you did, thats why I put you up here. To make that member trust again. Since so many people are members up here if I can gain their trust we could start teaching a lot more. Awesome.
Well thats all I got Laterz and Peace out.
love, Elder K-Wood
Thank you! I experienced the most comfortable moments
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