I guess you have a blog up for me now. I may have said that last week but it looks pretty cool. I think it s funny that you put a counter up. Its actually a little sad to see. Elder Hendrickson laughed when he saw it. He said "bahahaha that sucks bro". I still think its kind of neat.
This week has been a little slow. Elder Miner and I clashed a little bit but Saturday night we got transfer news. My new companion is Elder Edmond and he is a lot bigger than I am width wise. He could kick my butt. But on a good note I may have mentioned the possibility of being on a bike this transfer. That won't happen because Elder Edmond seperated his shoulder riding a bike and is therefore not allowed to.
Man I'm speeding through this. Last Saturday we trained one of our wards on how to do missionary work. It was fun we did a visual example using laser guns where the leadership of the ward had to hunt us down and kill us. The first time they went in with no plan and we demolished them. The second time we gave them a plan and we were murdered... by laser. We used the example because missionary work goes smoother when we have a plan. It was a great example. We're also speaking in 2 of our wards on Sunday so it should be pretty good. I think the wards trust us.
I have to say, Jay Cutler suposively rocks for the Bears and it makes me sick. I saw a picture of him as a Bear and it made me cry tears of incredible sadness for my Broncos. And to top it off some nut job scheduled the Bears to play the Broncos next weekend in Denver. Who does that? Oh yeah JERKS DO THAT. Ruin my life.
This week will be good, I talked to Bekah's cousin who had my new companion as a MTC companion and said he was solid. I'm excited. We're speaking at the homecoming of a missionary from Minnesota on Sunday. I'm going to ask if he knows Spencer. Everyone I've met from that mission(which is a lot for some reason) has.
Well I'm off to dump Elder Miner. Peace Out
love, Elder K-Wood
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