Anyways I'm trying to collect my thoughts and remember what we did last week. Well last P-day Elder Hill and I caught the stomach flu and I'm pretty sure that it's like the 5th time my mission. It gets a little old,ugh. Wednesday was recovery day Elder Hill and I were rather loopy you might say. We started getting our appetite back a little in the evening and began craving some random things(like Blue Berry Muffins and Jell-O) we had some fun and bonded quite a bit. It's amazing how much you can talk when neither of you can think and you're not allowed to watch TV or do any normal things like when you get sick at home. I'm better now though, woot.
We had a good teaching week and we saw some miracles! Yahoo! It's hard to teach here so I feel really blessed when things go well. Missionary work never really has been exceptional in this area and by no means am I trying to boast because there is so much oh so much more that can be done. But it's amazing to see the Lord bless with people to teach and as we completely rely on Him, He has been showing us where to go and what to do! We're not perfect by any means(I'm certainly not there's so many better missionaries than me) but we feel Him directing us.
Thursday we taught 5 member present investigator lessons. Amanda decided that she is going to quit smoking and drinking coffee. She knew she had to and she was at work. While she was at work she was deciding whether or not to buy another pack. Instead of doing that she began to pray. As she was praying she went to grab her coffee mug and thought "you know I probably shouldn't have this either" and then she threw coffee out the window! She was having withdrawals a bit and we were still a little sick so it was a fun lesson. We've been teaching a family named the Tippits, They're a good family and have gone a little less active in the past few years, their youngest boy Ethan is nine and he needs to be baptized and wants to be super bad. I love teaching him because he's one of the best little kids I know! We also had some other lessons that day that we hadn't foreseen coming, a member family that we were having dinner with invited to of their kid's friends over for a lesson. They have a unique living situation and as much as I wanted to commit them to baptism we didn't. We've got it pretty worked out now but it doesn't look like we'll be teaching them. But they told the family that invited them as the family drove them home, "my sister and I have thought about it and we have both decided to be baptized into your church). It's so cool! We also taught Renata again and actually just saw her at the restaurant we ate at. She's doing well, we taught about the Word of Wisdom and it was pretty much the easiest situation I've had in my mission, we asked if she had any problems with smoking, etc... and she said "no, I've been living this all my life" I could only think how convenient!
This week at church was awesome! Best turnout I have had since coming up north! We've been working hard and I felt so good seeing everyone attending the meeting! We had 7 investigators at church! It feels like a Taylor record! It was cool because it was also the fast for missionary work and a lot of people shared experiences about doing missionary work and the blessings of doing missionary work. To experiences particularly stuck out on Sunday. During 4th ward(we cover 6 wards so Sundays can be long) we were about to finish Sacrament meeting. Right before it finished Ethan Tippits(the 9 year old I told you about earlier) got up and bore his testimony. It had been he first time his family had attended church in a long time, I'm not sure how long it had been. But It was so cool! It was powerful, I can hardly believe that a 9 year old seems to be pulling his family back into activity! It's amazing. The other awesome thing was in Sunday School in 8th ward. The teacher asked anyone if they had made any important decisions this week. Renata raised her hand and said that this week she had decided that she wants to be baptized. It was so good to feel of her Spirit! She's so shy and to hear her say something like that let you know she meant it! It was wonderful!
We've taught a few times again since Sunday. We taught Amanda again, it was so cool. She was rather quiet and as was her fiance. We taught the gospel, and it was really wonderful. The cool part was after the lesson when she said "you know it's funny whenever you guys show up, whatever you say is exactly what we need to hear", I'm grateful for the Spirit directing even some missionaries out in rural Arizona. Last night we taught 2 kids for a family home evening, a member family invited them over and had a great lesson(it's kind of cool being a convert and getting to be a part of a legit family home evening). We finished the night by teaching Nikki. She's in her 20's and is riding in Rodeo for the college here and has a legitimate chance of going to Nationals. We ended up once again teaching the Gospel, we spent a lot of time on the Holy Ghost and it was cool to see it click! You know when the light goes off and it's like ding! That's why I want to be a math teacher, same concept less fun... Hahaha.
Well I wrote a lot, if you made it this far I commend you, go reward yourself with a milkshake.
Love you bye,
love <3
Elder Caywood
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