I think I said last week we set 2 more dates, doubled our lessons, and talked to over 200 people. Well last week was essentially the same. We talked to over still and we still have 3 dates. But not we taught over 20 lessons last week, which hasn't happened in this area for a long time.Things will be really good here if we keep up our faith, diligence, obedience, eh and probably some other Christlike attribute too but that's all that is coming to mind right now. Probably humility or something, I don't know.
We did have a few scares this week. We had a few scary street contacts and Elder Henderson can get a little fiery which sometimes is not what people need. But still it amazes me sometimes how rude people can truly be. For about a month now I've had a lump on my neck. I got it after I started jogging for exercises again in Snowflake. It just doesn't look normal so I went to the doctor. He commented about how healthy I am(yeah my jaw dropped too) and said it was probably just a swollen lymph node but that they would keep an eye one it. Weird huh? I feel like a one sided Frankenstein!
Sunday was the highlight of my week by far. Sunday was the Gila Valley Temple dedication. The temple itself is in Safford I believe. We got to watch that on Sunday but before that something interesting happened. We got a call from a Nursing Home(Same kind of place Grams lives) and we were asked to come speak are their church meetings Sunday morning. It was crazy we showed up and the only person their was the guy in charge, our ward mission leader, and us then all these like way old people. I played piano, and led the music(don't ask how), then Elder Henderson blessed the sacrament and I passed it, then Elder Henderson spoke and then I spoke and that was the meeting. It was crazy but a lot of fun. There was a spunky 102 year old there who said I was the best looking missionary she'd ever seen(jealous?)
Then we went to the temple dedication at noon, via satellite broadcast. It was very unique in fact because they did 3 separate live sessions at 9, 12, and 3. We went to 12 and loved it President Monson is awesome. He is so funny without being undignified. I really enjoyed it because I had never seen one before.Its a very pretty temple. Speaking of temples I went this morning and saw a few familiar faces. It was awesome. Viva la Vida! or Love Life! I really am right now. Peace out.
Love, Elder Caywood