Today has been a little tiredsome. We woke up at 4 and went to the temple. The temple is sure something else. Blows my mind everytime I see it. Then we had some local flavor at a restaurant. We also went bowling and shopping at Walmart today so my P-day is essentially over. I haven't had a lazy P-day yet which is kind of upsetting and not upsetting. Whatevs. Also just so you know I bought some things so some money may be missing on the account.
Theres some crazy things going on at home eh? Nuggets are in the Western Finals that must be exciting. I bet they'll give the Lakers quite a fight. I get basketball updates frequently from a kid in the ward, he seems to go out of his way to tell me which is nice I guess. So the ward got split eh? Actually I already knew because Sister V sent me the update. She said that we have 12 wards now and like 4300 members. Also I found the Bishopric in my new ward quite hilarious. Not in a mean way but in a... those guys names are all named Dan kind of way. Dan Lamb, Dan Larsen, Dan Lindorf. They're going to be great! Bishop Larsen did such a great job but he defintely deserves some rest he's been bishop for so long. Brady got his mission call to Peru that is so exciting! I'm going to congratulate him soon! Besides that all is quiet on the Eastern front over there eh?
Well here we've had an eventful week. It has been hot! Like crazy hot too fast. The Phoenix area has set a record for the Month of May for most days in a row where it has been over a 100 degrees. Which leads to my title of the email. The streets are empty because people aren't out in the summer in Arizona. We still are but no one else. We went from 180 people talked to on the streets in a week to 98. Crazy. In investigator news. We've had some ups and downs. We pushed Sammy's date back but now she won't meet with us. It was very sudden and she doesn't want to see us so we'll just have to leave that one alone. We set another date with a woman named Diana for June 13th I believe. The work is picking up we had a investigator family of 5 come to church on Sunday and they stayed for all 3 hours. It was AWESOME! I was so excited! The work is going good but the members really aren't helping us. What we've found has been really through our own efforts. And that is great and all but missionaries leave and such. So that connection and that fellowship that an investigator has in the church is gone and then they fall away. I cannot stress the importance of members of the church fellowshipping investigators and finding people for the missionaries to teach. I say that because if you look at the results it works. I mean I'm a living breathing example of that. It is so important. Well we'll see where all this goes.
Let's see some things of note. I found two funny scriptures in the Old Testament. 2 Kings 2:23-24 that is where a bunch children make fun of a bald prophet so he summons bears to come and maul them... thats one way to solve problem. And also Exodus 16:13 which I am proud to call ATTACK OF THE QUAILS!!!!! Bahahaha. Well this is probably coming to an end because my mind is drawing blanks. I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to write me. I truly am thankful for it. Glad to hear things are winding down for you mom and dad. Good job finishing up that class. I may be sending some things home soon just to let you know but I do not know when. And to my lovely sister, Sarah... Write me you bum. Alright PEACE OUT
Elder Caywood
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