Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Dang Cold‏

I was thinking of a Spongebob episode the other night as we trekked up to this trailer 30 miles out of town barely able to get my foot out of the mud, I thought of when Spongebob and Patrick get trapped in Sandy's treedome during winter and Patrick keeps saying "I'm so cold, I'm shivering", for that brief moment of cold I remembered my favorite episode of Spongebob. Now that lovely run-on sentence I just wrote was a sad attempt to let you know how cold I am up here! Oh my goodness, it's so cold right now. I honestly don't know how I will survive not living in the valley I never thought I would acclimate to 110 degrees but I did. Apparently this is the coldest winter they have had in about 25 years, it was negative 18 degrees on New Year's Eve here. Nevertheless I go on and smile and my face gets stuck like that because of the cold which can be amusing.

I had a rather fun week up here. My new companion's name is Elder Hill and I get along with him really really well. There wasn't that awkward get to know you phase like there is with most companions we just get along already and have the same goal of getting this area moving. There is a lot of potential here and that excites me a lot. Unfortunately there has not been a lot of success here and I think we only 4 investigators total. President told me he had a big job for me but I don't think last week I truly comprehended the extent of it.

The drive up was fun and leaving that area that I served in practically since I left Snowflake was hard, but It makes visiting easy when you serve in places that are close by each other(yay post mission road trips back to mission yahoo!) so glad I didn't go foreign! I love the people in my last area and I find myself praying for a lot of them still. In fact I've been super reflective on my mission as a whole since in missionary time, I'm older than time I guess.

We only taught 3 lessons last week which was hard for me, but we've made a plan to find new people to teach and get the area excited about doing missionary work. We're going to be having a stake fast on the 6th of February for missionary work here. We're going to be starting up a week day Gospel Essential class, also we will be pushing Mormon.org the new and improved version. Mormon.org probably like the coolest way in the world to do missionary work. I love it. My companion and I are excited though for things that will happen here.

One weird thing is seeing people who I know from when I was here before though I don't serve in the same area as I did previously, the towns are so small that it's hard not to see people. A lot of people are rather surprised to see me and I can understand. Most of us were under the assumption that I would never be back here as a full time Elder and that the next time I would see them would be after my mission. It's funny when people see me it goes like this..... They look at me weird, they look again, they get confused and say"What are you doing here?", then after I explain that I didn't break rules and sneak back up here but that I'm the Taylor Elder we have a good ole time.

I'll let you know a little more about the area and people we are teaching next week, mostly because we have to find them this week :D

Love you bye!

Love with love,
Elder Caywood

P.S. I totally sunk a hook shot from like ten feet left handed this morning during basketball, don't think this means I don't suck at basketball, but just wanted to let you know!

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