Well it's hard to believe, but this will be the last post on the B-Log. It has been so much fun to maintain and share Brandon's missionary experiences with all of you. Thank you all for your love and support over the past two years.
Elder Caywood arrived at the airport, greeted by his family and extended family (the VanWagenens) on April 5th. After a short airport visit, we brought him home and readied for his release. Before the release could take place, Elder Caywood performed the last baptism of his mission by baptizing his sister Sarah. Then with much difficulty, he was released and removed his name tag.
The next nine days were filled with a visit from his best friend, RM Kalab Frisby, doctor's appointments, drivers' license renewal, shopping, and visiting. It was great fun having both Brandon and Kalab here, especially to hear some of their mission stories. Brandon spoke at 3 wards the following Sunday, as well as confirmed his sister. We held an open house later that day and enjoyed visiting with all who were able to attend.
Before we knew it, Brandon's time at home came all too quickly to an end. On Thursday, the 14th, he headed back to Rexburg to begin his next journey.....returning to college. Aaron and Sarah made the trek with him, which was fun for Sarah as she will be transferring to BYU-I in the fall. While Brandon moved into his apartment and got settled, she was able to participate in orientation activities with the current new students and made many friends. Needless to say, she didn't want to come home.
With Brandon settled and classes starting today.....I thought I would close by passing on all his new contact information.
Brandon Caywood
140 W. 2nd South, Apt. 70
Rexburg, ID 83440
New b-mail address: caywood.brandon@gmail.com
Cell number: (719) 310-0690
You can also find him on Facebook.
Again, thank you everyone for all the love and support for Brandon during his mission. It meant a great deal to him and to us.

Departing the plane, with family awaiting.